Tuesday, July 31, 2012


人越大思考既嘢越多, 壓力就越大. 本人經常因為壓力大會越食越多…… 近排壓力又返泥, 之前又啱啱係韓國走咗一轉, 迷上泡菜, 回港後, 每一餐都食泡菜…… 買完一大盒又一大盒泡菜回家, 未停過>,,<

日日lunch都食自己整既泡菜炒飯, 自己食, 所以加咗好多韓國辣椒醬, ar!

最後太熱氣, 生咗好多大暗瘡……
我同自己講, 以後就算幾大壓力, 都唔好食得太過份 >W<




先用油整熱隻鑊, D 冷飯落去炒, D飯散開, 加少少麻油, 再加韓國辣椒醬同泡菜去炒 (因個人喜好份量而定), 最後我會係食時加一隻生雞蛋同加大量紫菜條.

我唔記加埋紫菜雞蛋之間先影相tim…… 失策la ~.~

Gel Nail Manicure & Skinfood Nail Polish

 One of my friends bought a set of gel nail tools, but she has no idea how to use it.

I will demonstrate the steps & usage of them. This is the first time I use my own gel nail UV lamp, so I have to check if it works well. After turning the light on, u will see some blue light. 

For the gel polishes, I applied them on a transparent plastic sheet and try them under the blue light ray.

Let’s start!


1.      You have to apply a layer of base gel polish on ur nails then your nails under the lamp for over 10 minutes. As I am a user, I don’t like this base gel polish, cause no matter how long I put my nails under the light, it just didn’t get dry. It’s sticky, so I won’t recommend my friends to use the base polish of this brand.

2.      I want o try something new, so I didn’t use the gel pigment polish, cause there are not many colors of the gel polish. I try to use the Skinfood Nail Polish to replace the color layer, the color code is BL509. Wait until the nail polish dry totally.

3.      The last step, apply a thick layer or 2 thin layers of top coat gel polish. If u apply a thick layer of it, then put it under the lamp for 5-6 mins, if u applied 2 thin layers, then out it under the lamp for 3 mins separately. When your nails are under the blue light, u will have the feeling of shrinking on your nails. The top coat gel nail is the most important part, because it can make your nails’ color last longer, more than 10 days.

: ) 
But the nail polish is painted over the skin which near my nails >n<
*** P.S. Using a normal nail polish will not last longer than the gel color polish.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Curel Serum Care Lotion 深層控油保濕化妝水

本人一向好怕皮膚敏感, 所以用既護膚品一定要係防敏感. 之前試用Curel保濕cream , 對呢個brand D 產品有好好既印象. 由於本人用保濕cream時係冬天, 所以保濕得好好. 但到春天夏天時, 香港濕度太高, 本人面油好多, 唔太適合.

近排見Curel新廣告, 有一條新line, 既控油又保濕. 我買咗支toner 泥用(HKD$160) 效果好好, 我早晚用, 每次約揼3-4, 於潔面後使用. 用後好保濕, 又唔會 “lup”, last到一日

我喜歡呢支toner既原因, 係佢個噴咀, 唔同一般TONER咁係要倒出泥, 呢個係揼出泥, 較衛生, 唔會好似一般平時用toner時倒得太多而浪費, 本人highly recommend~

Gel Nail UV Lamp & Soak-Off Gel Polish

I tried this set of manicure gel nail products at my friend’s place few months ago, I love them so much, so my friend helped me to buy this UV lamp & gel polish from China. For the lamp, it’s $50; $40 for the top & base gel polish; $36 for 2 color gel polish.

I will try and write a review later : )

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skinfood Milky Creamy Nail 指甲油

I applied I layer of Skinfood Base Coat and 2 layers of this nail polish 5 days ago, the color code of this Milky Creamy Nail is BL004.

I do love the Skinfood Milky Creamy Nail series, because they could last for over 5 days. It is cheap and nice: )

Friday, July 27, 2012

Skinfood Nail Vita Crystal Pearl Top Coat

呢支Skinfood Nail Vita Crystal Pearl Top Coat 係有閃粉既, 雖然支Top Coat睇上去係紫色, 但用後唔覺帶紫色.

佢好易塗上指甲, 都好快乾. 我個人幾喜歡. 當我用後, D 指甲好閃令令”, 除咗本身top coat D油係好身之外, 佢仲有D 珍珠閃粉, 指甲閃上加閃, 好靚ar!

相比之下, 我會choose呢支top coat, 而唔係O.P.I top coat, 價錢相差4-10, I bought it in Korea, it is around HKD$10, the price in Hong Kong Skinfood retail store is $30 but the O.P.I top coat I bought in HK is $132.

For a fair price and good quality, I will choose this Skinfood top coat :)