Saturday, May 24, 2014

Happy Wedding

I attended my good friend’s wedding party this afternoon, she treated us a buffet lunch in a 5 star hotel. Thank you so much for it!!!

She finally got marry and her husband is so good to her, I am so happy for her. I wish her all the best in her future!

When will I get marry?......

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sasatinnie Sugary Heart Nail Polish 指甲油

This is the third bottle of nail polish I bought form Sasa. This nail polish impressed me very much. It is made in France, the quality is good, the smell is not too stinky, and the paint is not too thick, which is easy to put on, and it dries very fast. I love it! However, it can only last for 4 – 5 days. But it is only HKD$12 J

If you are the one who always love to change colors of your nails, I highly recommend you to try this brand or other Korean brands, because I was the one who used to change my nail color once a week, so I got over 250 bottles of nail polish at home. I am regretting now, because I used to buy expensive nail polish before, like O.P.I, Ciate, YSL, China Glaze, Essie, etc., there is no big different of the quality of the cheaper one comparatively. If you want to buy an expensive one, I would only recommend you to buy an expensive base coat, because it can really protect your nails, which makes your nails look shinny even your nails do not cover by any color. I used once for every bottle of nail polish, because I love to change color which depends on my mood… so… this is a little theory of me……

The color code of this nail polish is SPN159.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Holika Holika Wonder Drawing Dot Liner眼缐筆

用咗呢支Holika Holika Wonder Drawing Dot Liner 2 -3個月左右. 我主要係用於我朝早懶果時唔想畫明顯既眼缐, 只係用完mascara 之後用既.

其實我用咗咁耐, 我唔太鐘意佢3個筆尖. 3個筆尖1次畫落眼上, 比用一個筆尖既眼缐筆更易出界, 而個d出界係3個筆尖做成既. 另外, 呢隻眼缐筆既顏色好淺色, 我通常要畫2-3次去上色, and it cant last for1day because my eyes become panda eyes in the afternoon.



Before and after does not have a big different...... 

普通眼缐筆() VS Holika眼缐筆(), the colors are very obvious, you can see the color of Holika eyeliner is very light.

佢好既係易落妝. But I won't really recommend my friend to buy this, because they have many other option which is better than this eyeliner.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I bought a cake for my mom and treated her a nice dinner, yummy~~~

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


同男朋友係YAHOO 美食專頁見到一間叫Waffillswaffles shop, 好似好吸引, 尋日去試咗la.

老實說, 一個waffle HKD$68, D, 而且食落唔太特別…… 佢只係好在即整, 所以都外脆內軟, 但味道普通, 呢個價錢可以食到其他更好的!!!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nature Republic by Flower Blossom Mascara 睫毛膏

用左 Nature Republic by flower blossom mascara - volume blossom 3個星期, 我本人好鐘意. 我係香港既Nature Republic , 一支 HKD$48. 

好易畫上眼睫毛, 唔會容易痴到d 睫毛一舊舊, 最重要係呢隻睫毛膏可以last 到一日, 到下午放工眼部周圍都冇薰黑, 眼部keep住乾淨, 而睫毛亦保持到捲曲
晚上落妝亦好方便, 只要用眼部落妝油按住約 10秒再輕輕一抹就ok la, 佢係一條條咁抹掉ga! 
我推介我既sisters 用呢隻mascara, it is really cheap and nice : )

