Sunday, July 14, 2013

China Glaze Nail Polish

1st layer: O.P.I base coat 
2nd layer: 2 layers of China Glaze nail polish (color code: 939 midnight mission)
Top layer: O.P.I top coat

I like China Glaze nail polish, it’s smell is not too stinky, and it dries very quick. Their brush is good, and the paint is not thick. N it can last for a week.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sweet Sweet Candy Nail Polish

I feel bored of my monotone nail polish(I used to apply one single color), so I try to make fun of different colors. I have over 100 bottles of nail polish, I should have a vivid color library haha!

These are Etude House Nail Polish.

After I applied these colors, I saw a bracelet in H&M which has the same color as my nails, haha

Monday, July 1, 2013

Natural Republic Kohlrabi Wash-off Pack

係韓國買行咗幾間Natural Republic, 見到有一間呢個系列既Wash-Off Packpromotion, 買一送一, 我一定買泥試la, price 好抵, 6900won(HKD$56)就有2 la, 我揀咗Kohlrabi Strawberry Wash-Off Pack.

今次試用Kohlrabi Wash-Off Pack~

潔面後, 塗上薄薄既一層(around 2 mm), 再敷10-15 minutes, 用清水洗淨就ok la~

塗上時, 有少少刺刺同涼快既感覺. wash-off pack裏面有一d 好似磨砂既粒狀物, 所以我係敷果時用手指輕輕按摩, 有助d wash-off pack吸收.

敷完之後, d 皮膚firm 咗同滑咗, feel 到有少少水潤. 價錢平, quality又好, 值得推薦!