Sunday, June 28, 2015

O'sulloc Water+試飲32日後

喝了O'sulloc Water+ 32天了.

老實說, 上廁所的次數多了, 因為喝的水份多,  每次飯後喝500ml, 但我還是沒有瘦下去

我發覺, 喝這隻纖體茶沒有甚麼幫助, 反而喝真正的茶更利尿, 能把體內的水份排出

喝了後, 最大的不同是, 我以前起床後只上一次洗手間, 但現在起床的30分鐘內要再上一次洗手間

記得, 看到網上有人介紹這隻茶可以去水腫, 但我每天早上還是有眼袋及臉部水腫我想這款茶的功效還是見人見智吧!

對於瘦肚子, 我覺得Oenobiol更有效.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Nha Trang Vietnamese Restaurant

Have tried Nha Trang Vietnamese Restaurant with my boyfriend yesterday. Honestly, the price is not cheap but the food is unexpectedly bad as it's around $200 per person......  If the price can be lower, I will be more satisfy for the taste of the food.

I dun think I'll give a try again, truly......

here is the link:

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Via Toyko

My boyfriend and I always see a long queue outside Via Tokyo <<< we wonder why people are always waiting over half an hour to have the dessert, and the price is not cheap.

We ordered the Soy Bean Powder Shiratama Azuki Matcha Soft Cream (HK$48).

The ice cream is rich in green tea flavor, red bean and honey is added on the top of the ice cream, which tastes so nice!

After I try it, I understand why there is always a long queue outside =]

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Burger Circus

前排, 見到Hollywood Road 有間叫 Burger Circus 的 restaurant, 於是約男朋友放工後去試試. 

說說它的裝修, 不論枱子, 椅子, 餐牌及其他的都十分有美國4'50年代的特色. 

男朋友跟我分別叫了一個 Circus Classic combo set 和一個 Flame Swallower combo set, 各包括一盒普通fries, 而男朋友了一盒Circus fries.  

漢堡的麵包是先烤過的, 當我吃第一口時, 口感外脆軟, 而中間的牛肉十分juicy, 非常好吃!

我覺得薯條炸有點得太過, 有點硬. 不過, Circus fries 加上cheese 及其他漿汁後, 十分好吃. 

另外一個fries 它亦配了一個千島沙律漿, 真是有心意. 不像其他的 Burger restaurant, 來來去去都是配茄汁. 

至於飲品方面, 我有點失望, 我的Strawberry Basil 有藥水的味道... 怪怪的...



Sunday, June 14, 2015

Monthniversary with Boyfriend

Sweet day with my boyfriend today, I bought 2 pieces of cakes for our big day~

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Happy Girls's Night!

Had a very great dinner with my friends last night, we were making jokes, gossiping others, and lol !!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

O'sulloc Water+健康纖體茶

約兩個星期前, 我在Wishh! 買了5 O'sulloc Water+, 一盒麥茶味, 兩盒西柚味及兩盒檸檬味, 價錢是HK$490 per 5. 

這款茶是純天然的, 可以放心喝. 而它的喝法是每天喝三包, 在餐後隔半小時或運動後飲用, 每次要用500ml 水加一包粉開來喝, 我通常都是用溫水開的. 而小妹的手袋每天都會帶一個500ml 的膠樽, 方便外出飲用呀! 不過有點重...... 

它的好處是, 這種茶是沒有咖啡因的, 所以在晚上喝後也不會睡不了. 小女子平時在下午喝咖啡, 晚上也睡不了, 這款減肥茶太好了! 我買了才知道沒有咖啡因, 下次我會買一盒咖啡味試試.

一盒茶有30包粉, 一盒可以喝10.

說說它的味道, 小女子覺得檸檬味最好,  像市面上的檸檬飲品; 西柚味有小小像變酸了的藥水; 而麥茶的茶味感覺有點太人造的感覺, 沒有平時喝茶的味道...





終於喝了10 water , 老實說, 我還沒有瘦下來. 不過, 上大便的次數是多了但量是沒有增多; 小便的次數也多了.

看到網上的blogger說要喝20天就會看到效果, 我想我喝到20天再update 我的日誌吧!

這是它的成份表, 雖然不懂韓文, 還是拍下來給其他姊妹看吧
[click the photos to to enlarge]




Saturday, June 6, 2015

Earrings from my friend

A good friend of mine has given me a pair of expensive earrings. 

Thanks so much my baby!

She said that I used to wear the big and heavy earrings, and it’s time for me to wear the small pair.

Learn to be a Mature Lady!