Thursday, August 30, 2012

Skinfood Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser

I tried this Skinfood Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser last night, I don’t really recommend my friends to use it. After I used it, I got skin allergy on my face again…

The smell of this cleanser is fine, but the texture is not really good, after I use water to clean up the cleanser, I could feel the chemical of this cleanser make my skin feel a little bit “sticky” (not really sticky, but I just feel that my skin is not as smooth as usual).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bourjois Paris 1 Seconde Nail Enamel 指甲油

2 layers were applied on my nails (the color code is 05), it dries in around 2 minutes, the smell is not too stinky. After I applied it, it makes my nails look thick, so I guess this is the “gel nail” effect of this nail polish. And it can last for over 7 days, which is very nice!

Essie Nail Polish 指甲油

Bought 2 Essie Nail Polish from Bonjour Cosmetic Store, , they are HKD$49 per one, the colors are Watermelon (H600) & Coat Azure (H400). I will try them later : )

Here are the links:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mioggi HexAqua Plus Soothing Mask

試用咗呢隻mask , 介紹吓la. 

記得購買時, sales姐姐同我講可以放係freezer雪凍佢泥敷. 我第一次用呢瓶mask 係冇雪凍佢, 效果一般, 加上有少少刺皮膚既感覺, 我唔太鍾意. 但雪凍後, 敷係面上約10-15分鐘, 因為好凍既關係, d毛孔收細咗, 皮膚白咗少少. 不過, 冇其他明顯效果. 冇任何保濕效果.

我唔鍾意個瓶既設計, d mask 好水份, 但要係個瓶上方take d mask 落面上好困難, d mask 好易跌落地, 好浪費.

佢係好似荔枝肉咁既色, 塗係面上係透明.

不過, 大家可以買泥試試既~

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reuseable Cosmetic Container

相信好多女仔都試過用完D化妝品或者護膚品之後覺得D container 好靚唔捨得dump, 好浪費ar. 本人一向都有循環再用既習慣, 今次因為唔小心跌爛咗個eyeshadow, 我又唔多用, 不如用個盒泥做其他嘢, DIY la!!!

Haha 我用個盒泥做首飾盒, 有塊鏡真係好好, 我俾自己出街時用泥裝細既頸鏈, 耳環或藥丸等~

好鍾意個盒ar : )