Monday, November 26, 2012

Sasatinnie Nail Polish 指甲油

I bought this Sasatinnie Nail Polish with a gambling thought, I never think the products which Sasa manufactured are good. I tried Sasa hand cream long time ago, but the quality was not good. However, I was surprised by the quality of its nail polish.

First of all, the color range of Sasatinnie Nail Polish is vivid and trendy, I can easily pick up the colors that I want.

When I was using it, it is not stinky, & it can be dried in a short period like 15 mins. The paint is easy to put on, and the color is really good.

One thing I don’t like is the brush and the design of the bottle, the brush is quite small and the brush is not long enough to get paint from the bottle when I am applying it.

Here is the result,

1 layer of O.P.I Base Coat
3 layers of Sasatinnie Nail Polish, the color code is Q751
1 layer of O.P.I Top Coat

This nail polish is very long lasting that I took this photo after 7 days I applied it. It is cheap and nice!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


記得以前曾聽人說過永遠不要用自己的尺子量別人, 但人很多時都忘了這句說話. 我花了約一年時間才明白這句話的意思.

有一個中世紀的哲學家對藝術品的審美觀說道, 不同的光線, 不同的大小, 不同的環境下都有不同的效果, 有的會很美, 有的會很醜.

對於人, 道理亦一樣. 人的不同方面會有長處短處, 基於不同情況下. 很難明吧?

例如, 我們有時見到有些東西想跟附近的朋友說: “你看到嗎? 對面有一隻很可愛的小貓在窗邊玩耍.” “在哪?在哪?” “你看不到嗎?! 在那邊, 有藍色窗簾的窗子.” 哪有藍色窗簾?但有些人可能到最後都看不見朋友見到的小貓.

再說, 以一個我們住的房子來做例子, 房子的大小來比如我們對事物的局限, 房子裏的窗子比如我們眼睛看見的事情. 我們看到外面的景色, 鄰家未必能看見. 那就是我想說的尺子.

每個人在不同的情況下成長, 看到的永遠不同, 經歷的不同, 我們經常看到別人做事的手法跟自己不同就覺得別人不對, 別人不是不對, 只是觀點不同. 永遠都要記住, 別人能做到的, 我們亦未必能做到. 所以, 不要用自己的尺子量別人.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

O.P.I & Etude House Nail Polish 指甲油

I applied
-1 layer of O.P.I Base Coat
-2 layers of O.P.I nail polish, the color code is NLE43 as the base color
-1 layer of Etude House Nail Polish on the top, and this nail polish is difficult to dry, but the color does give my nails a glossy & bling bling effect

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer

上星期去咗Etude House, 當然要試試我未用過既product la. 講到eye primer, 其實我幾年之前都有用過Smashbox, 但而家香港全線close down. 佢係外國名牌, 但香港唔出名>N<

講返呢支Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer, 佢個PRICE 好平, 只係$50左右. 試用方法係於眼霜後, 再於眼蓋上塗上薄薄一層就OK LA~


 D Primer有少少珍珠閃


用咗呢支Eye Primer, 好處係令眼皮減少油光, D eyeliner, eye shadow 唔會咁容易化開, 可以long lasting D. 本人亦幾喜歡佢個BRUSH, D Eye Primer容易塗上特定既位置.

不過, 本人認為呢隻Eye Primer有少少乾, 有時我唔小心擦眼睛, 眼皮上會有D 白色粉末, 好難抺掉. 另外, 用完支Primer再用eyeliner, 如果唔小心畫過咗少少, 用手係抺不掉, 但平時用手可以抺掉, 但而家要用少少落妝油先可以抺掉出界D 化妝品.