Sunday, December 1, 2013

Large Scallop

My parents bought a box of big scallops from Japan. They are almost the same size as my fist, haha.

Very fresh and delicious!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Paul Lafayet

I love Paul Lafayet very much, I have almost tried all of the cakes there, my favorites are Crème Brûlée & Chocolate Mousse : ) (I forgot to take photos of the cakes that I have tried >,,<)

Chocolate Mousse (above)

Chocolate & Blueberry Dome (above)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Could you see a swan?

I saw a swan in the photo I took a week ago.
It is just a reflection of the light which hit on my wall.
I added some effects on it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Electric Aroma Burner – Cinnamon Oil

I bought an electric aroma burner a month ago, the salesperson stated that it has around 60 to 80 degree Celsius. However, I feel quite disappointed with it. The oil with water didn’t get boil and it took over 36 hours to evaporate. 36 hours is too long time to have an aromatherapy treatment, and in the deepest of my heart want to say “the oil with water disappear, because of low humidity ……”. I could smell the cinnamon scent hardly during the time I turned on the electric aroma burner. After 36 hours, when I clean up the burner, so much oil still remains on it, which is very different from the burning way of a candle burner.

I used to use a candle burner for my aromatherapy. And the effect of candle is quite good, the aroma can be diffused into the air nicely. The water mixed with water only get around 4 hours to evaporate. And the scent stays in the air in a good way. When I clean the candle burner, I won’t see some much oil remains on the plate.

I recommend people to use candle burner rather than the electric one, or u have to check the temperature of the electric burner clearly and make sure it have over 80 degree Celsius top let the oil burn in a good way.


Copied from

The health benefits of cinnamon include the following:

Brain Function: Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and makes it a good brain tonic. It helps to remove nervous tension and memory loss. Research at the Wheeling Jesuit University in the United States has proved that the scent of cinnamon has the ability to boost brain activity. The team of researchers, led by Dr. P. Zoladz, found that people who were given cinnamon improved their scores on cognitive activities such as attention span, virtual recognition memory, working memory, and visual-motor response speed.

Blood purification: Cinnamon can also help to remove blood impurities. This also makes it a great treatment for pimples.

Blood circulation: Cinnamon helps to improve the circulation of blood due to the presence of a blood thinning compound within cinnamon. This blood circulation helps to significantly reduce pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body’s cells, which leads to higher metabolic activity. You can significantly reduce the chance of suffering from a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.

Pain Relief: Cinnamon is also an anti-inflammatory substance, so it helps in removing stiffness of the muscles and joints. Cinnamon is also recommended for arthritis, and it is known to help in removing headaches that are caused by colds.

Diabetes: Cinnamon has the ability to control blood sugar, so diabetics find it very useful because cinnamon aids them in using less insulin. Research has shown that it is particularly helpful for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes patients are not able to regulate their insulin levels properly. Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland studied the effect of various food substances that include cinnamon on blood sugar levels. They found that a water-soluble polyphenol compound called MHCP, which is abundant in cinnamon, synergistically acted with insulin and helped in the better utilization of that vital component of human health.

Infections: Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, it is effective on treating external as well as internal infections. It helps in destroying germs in the gall bladder and the bacteria present in staph infections.

Healing: Cinnamon acts as a coagulant and helps to stop excess bleeding. Therefore, it facilitates the healing process.

Heart diseases: It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provide protection against heart diseases. By including a little cinnamon in your food, you can help prevent coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.

Colon cancer: It can also improves the health of the colon and thereby reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Mouth freshener: Cinnamon is often used in chewing gums, as it is a good mouth freshener and removes bad breath.

Perfumes: It has a refreshing aroma and is extensively used in perfume-making.

Indigestion: Cinnamon is added in many ethnic recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. Due to its carminative properties, it is very helpful in eliminating excess gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, combats diarrhea and reduces the effects of morning sickness. Cinnamon is therefore often referred to as a digestive tonic.

Respiratory problems: Cinnamon helps in relieving the symptoms of colds, influenza, sore throat and congestion.

Menstruation: Cinnamon is effective in providing relief from menstrual discomfort and cramping.

Birth control: Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps to avoid conception.

Breastfeeding: It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of healthy breast milk.
Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in the secretion and discharge of urine. It is also commonly used as an aphrodisiac and is believed to arouse sexual desire in men and women.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Etude House Color Pop Creamy Pencil

係網上訂呢盒Etude House Color Pop Creamy Pencil(HKD$135), 等左幾個星期, 終於到la. 我亦試晒咁多隻色la.

講下佢D好處先la, 佢好易上色, last到一日, waterproof唔錯, 有眼水出佢都唔會褪色. 因為佢creamy既關係,呢隻eyeliner係可以做少少eye shadow ,可以畫左眼線後用個細brush 掃開眼線,就可以做到個效果.

壞處係, 佢係waterproof, 如果面油多到下午佢會化開,所以幾個小時要去廁所check一次,如果你用作eye shadow就冇咁既需要. 

用時不要太用力, 因為筆芯好軟, 太大力會斷

我個人最喜歡5號果支, 用作下眼線係唔錯. 隻色有少少閃又淡色,可以係眼頭同眼尾做到可愛既感覺。

整體上, 我會俾呢隻Etude House Color Pop Creamy Pencil 70/100, 佢個價錢ok, D 除咗黑色同5號隻之外, 其他色本人都唔太喜歡. 本人又少用eye shadow, 我唔太喜歡.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Face Shop 甲油保護夾 Nail Polish Protector

早前係韓國The Face Shop 見到有甲油保護夾, 我一定買泥試下la~

講下點用先la, 佢係夾型呢既, 我見到市面上有另一款係圓筒型既(塗上甲油後用). 而我呢隻係塗甲油前及後都可以用既, 如果手指較粗既女孩要小心la, 因為個夾好實, 塗上甲油後好難套入手指, 所以我建議塗甲油前先戴上.

試用後, 我唔太喜歡呢隻保護夾, 其實用咗之後d指甲好易刮到個指甲面, 用咗同唔用分別唔太大. 最重要都係甲油未乾自己唔好做其他嘢la!

我唔建議各位浪費$$$ la!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Copied from Cosmo Girl

I use to apply some hand and nail cream after I removed my nail polish, I give some time for my nail to take rest and recover, so that my nails wont look yellow or grey.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Top Shop Matte Nails

I bought 2 Top Shop nail polish 2 weeks ago. I feel quite disappointed, it cracks on the third day after I applied it, and the matte effect is not obvious. I cannot apply any top coat on it because it will be covered by the shiny surface top coat (I couldn’t see any matte effect). One thing of this nail polish is good that it dries in a fast way and 2 layers are enough to have a good coverage of my nails.

Honestly, I won’t recommend my friends to buy their nail polish because of the price and the quality.

1st layer: OPI Base Coat
2nd layer: 2 layers of Top Shop Matte Nails (DRINK PINK 20N01E PNK)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Change Is Difficult Not Changing Is Fatal

I saw this sentence on internet, it is true, very true to me!

It is true that if we dun make changes, we are just stepping in the same place and we will never improve ourselves. If we go out and see more, we will gain more.

This is quite harsh, but we could keep changing for updating ourselves everyday.

Monday, September 16, 2013

~Snack Time~

I had a very extreme working hours a week ago. It’s time for me to relax! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Oenobiol Aquadrainant 重塑美腿

因工作關係, 日日坐又唔郁, 令本人小腿越泥越肥, 所以想用一個懶人方法去瘦腿. 試試呢隻Oenobiol Aqurdrainant 重塑美腿丸la, 一個療程為2 個月, 本人買左2 盒. 食 Oenobiol Aquadrainant 2 個月, 其實效果不太理想, 本人既小腿沒有瘦過, 維持不變. 我於每日早餐後服用.
所以我想懶都唔得la, 要做運動先減到肥 >,,<

食法: 一盒30粒, 每日一粒, 時間不限.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Aroma Time again

I love scent candle so much, the scent can make me relax, so I lighted a candle : )   

I love the light reflection on the wall, which is so beautiful!

Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus Mascara 極緻魔幻激長睫毛液

我見到網上有好多人介紹呢隻Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus Mascara, 就買泥試下la!

老實講, 我用完有D失望, 唔明點解有咁多人大讚. 我用完後覺得呢隻Mascara 太多纖維, D 纖維好易令D睫毛一D長一D 就唔對稱, 長短不一. 另一樣係佢唔夠豐 “ying”, D睫毛好貼埋一齊佢個擦頭有少少難梳開D睫毛, 因為擦頭上面有好多纖維, D睫毛越梳越貼埋一齊.

好處係可以last 到一日, 同好易落妝, 下午眼部唔好黑咗, 值得一讚.



(Took this with normal angle)

(Took this with low angle)

市面上有好多mascara 都比Majolica Majorca mascara . 我用過2Majolica Majorca mascara, 2 隻都好失望. 反而我會出介Fasio KissMe mascara.