Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Aroma Time again

I love scent candle so much, the scent can make me relax, so I lighted a candle : )   

I love the light reflection on the wall, which is so beautiful!

Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus Mascara 極緻魔幻激長睫毛液

我見到網上有好多人介紹呢隻Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus Mascara, 就買泥試下la!

老實講, 我用完有D失望, 唔明點解有咁多人大讚. 我用完後覺得呢隻Mascara 太多纖維, D 纖維好易令D睫毛一D長一D 就唔對稱, 長短不一. 另一樣係佢唔夠豐 “ying”, D睫毛好貼埋一齊佢個擦頭有少少難梳開D睫毛, 因為擦頭上面有好多纖維, D睫毛越梳越貼埋一齊.

好處係可以last 到一日, 同好易落妝, 下午眼部唔好黑咗, 值得一讚.



(Took this with normal angle)

(Took this with low angle)

市面上有好多mascara 都比Majolica Majorca mascara . 我用過2Majolica Majorca mascara, 2 隻都好失望. 反而我會出介Fasio KissMe mascara.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Shisedo Maquillage Glossy Perfect Rouge 唇膏 RD224

有位朋友係大型化妝品公司返工, 佢係啱啱過咗annual dinner, 抽到一支 Maquillage 唇膏, 送咗俾我, 好多謝佢~ 因為係公司D 化妝品貨版, 所以同化妝品專櫃 D tester 一樣.

講返支唇膏先~ 我上網睇, 呢支唇膏係唇膏同唇彩二合一, 可以令色彩更亮澤鮮明.




可以見到支唇膏隻色好nature 同光澤, 唇膏中有一D 閃粉.




大家可以見到我個唇上面D 紋有少少遮蓋咗, 咀唇既輪廓鮮明, 好自然. 而保濕方面亦不錯, 我會推薦大家買呢隻Maquillage 唇膏! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mioggi Kimchi Probiotics 泡菜活菌補給(粉末)

約個多月前收到 Mioggisms, VIP 可以去免費換取泡菜活菌補給粉末7日試食裝.

本人平日冇便秘問題, 試食咗7日後, 身體既排便量比平常多少少, 次數亦多幾次, 多出個幾次排便量好少好少. D粉末係提子味, D 似小朋友食既糖, 呢隻粉末可以直接食用, 或放到清水飲用.

我覺得好神奇, 因為排便量多咗, Mioggi 當時有折, 所以買咗3.

呢個product 標榜既功效係會幫助排毒, 清理腸道, 令皮膚變好. 我想皮膚再好D.

到而家我已經食咗1 個多月. 效果令我幾失望, 我只係頭7 日有D 排便量多, 之後就冇任何反應, 皮膚冇好到, 都係經常有暗瘡.

我建議各位sisters 如果要買, 買一盒試咗先, 唔好浪費金錢!

如果要腸道健康, D 食生果同菜la!

Offcial Website :

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


In the past few months, I worked over 12 hours a day, I even needed to work on Saturday and Sunday. I had no personal time. I got sick for a week, I had no time to see doctor. I got fever for 2 days, I couldn't take sick leave.

One night, when I left my office at 3am, I cried, I felt so stressed. I couldn’t control myself. There was no one on the street, all the shops were closed, no cars on the road. I was thinking if there was a car crashed on me, if I got hurt, then I could have a long vocation.

I asked myself, “what am I doing? Is this what I want?”
“NO! I just want to have a stable life.”

I resigned my job after a week.

Today, I feel relaxing, and I was so stupid that I wanted to die. How stupid I was?! I have very good parents, a lovely boyfriend, and a lot of friends. How can I die so easily?!

Everything will be fine in the end. Just tolerate and keep going! Or change to a new environment, you will find a new way!