Saturday, February 28, 2015

Things from Chatuchak Weekend Market

These are the things I bought from Chatuchak Weekend Market for my friends. The prices are very reasonable and cheap, the qualities are good comparatively!

[I forgot to take photos for all the things I bought, I was too lazy, and some of them are given to my friends already......]

A leather flower key chain for my mom, I bought 3 of them, they are yellow, pink and purple.

This is a horse decoration for my dad.

These are 2 chains of elephant curtain decorations for my best friends.

Many sets of incenses, candles and holders. So nice!

6 bottles of aroma diffuser, so heavy to take them back to the hotel……

Thursday, February 26, 2015

曼谷翟道翟市場 Bangkok Chatuchak Weekend Market - 2nd Day

小女子心裏在出發到泰國曼谷前的一天還在想, 死定了, 我連自己將要搭哪班飛機和住哪間酒店也不知道, 錢也沒有預備...... 全都是男朋友安排就是了, 但每日的行程呢? He never plans for this……Oh noooo.....


認識小女子的都知道我十分愛shopping, 所以我search 曼谷跳蚤市場, 翟道翟的資料就出來了, 但這個市場只有在weekend 才開, 而我到達的第一天是星期六, 但第一天我在酒店hea了一整天, 因為是搭早機... 很累很累...

第二天, 午餐後, 我和男朋友就出發到翟道翟Weekend Market

我的酒店在Central World 對面, 位於Siam Chit Lom之間, 我們就在 Chit Lom BTS (曼谷的Sky Train, I dunno if it is the correct name - we used to took this kind of sky train when we were in Vancouver), 再到 Mo Chit 下車了.  
[小女子看了很多旅遊網,沒有人提及 Mo Chit BTS (曼谷的Sky Train) Kamphaeng Phet MRT (曼谷的地鐵) 的分別, 只有說Mo Chit BTSMRT Kamphaeng Phet, 或從 Kamphaeng Phet 走十分鐘到翟道翟市場, 因此小女子浪費金錢及時間從Mo Chit BTS 轉乘一個站到 Kamphaeng Phet MRT, 不過經一事長一智就是了.]

These are the BTS tickets given by the hotel which were one day pass.


1. 如果你住的地方近MRT , 你只要從你附近的站上車到Kamphaeng Phet下車, 2 號出口走到地面再走2-3 分鐘就到翟道翟市場了.

These were the MRT one day pass tickets.

2. 如果住處近BTS, 只要到 Mo Chit 下車再走過行人天橋到 Chatuchak 公園走大約十分鐘就會到翟道翟市場了. 或你能像我一様到 Mo Chit轉 MRT (Chatuchak Park Station Kamphaeng Phet 下車便是了... 

We changed the train from BTS Mo Chit to MRT Chatuchak Park.

After you arrive Kamphaeng Phet Station, you will see No. 2 Chatuchak Weekend Market.

終於到了翟道翟市場了! 之前看旅遊網介紹這個是全世界最大的跳蚤市場, 去看看吧!

這個跳蚤市場真的非常之大, 這裏有食肆, 服裝店, 家私店, 香薰店, 鞋店, 香皂店, 手袋店等等, 要甚麼有甚麼, 心想的都有. 這裏有露天室內, 室內像一個迷宮似的 我走了半天只走了一部分. 但我實在走不下去了那裏太熱太曬了累了

Let's see the photos I took from Chatuchak Market,

I really love the colors of this market, everything is very colorful. 看了後令人心花怒放, 忘記工作, 放鬆下來 =]

I will post the things that I bought in the next post~

P.S. 本人建議各位可以download Bangkok MRT BKK Subway 的apps 來看看鐵路地圖. 但要記住曼谷的 MRTBTS 跟香港的地鐵不同, 香港的MTR 及KCR是不用出閘再轉車, 但曼谷的MRT BTS 是獨立的, 出了閘就要再買車票了, 還好他們有 one day pass 大約 60 Baht per one person. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Trip to Bangkok

I am on my trip to Bangkok with my boyfriend during CNY. I feel so relaxing - when I arrived Bangkok, I had a feeling of summertime. Of course, my home country is in winter now......

I was so lucky that I saw a booth inside the Bangkok airport, I was curious so I had a look, it was having an event about the valentines day, any tourists who traveled with their couples and registered an account for the Thailand travel department, you can have a free bag and you can use the premium lane to enter Thailand.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Revlon Nail Polish – Flirt 250

I tried Revlon Nail Polish (color code: 250), this is a pinkish purple color, I love this color so much!

For the quality of this nail polish, which can be dried in a short time, and the coverage is good, I only need to apply 2 layers, then it can covered my whole nail. The brush is not flat, and this is a round one (I like round more because the surface of my nail is not flat).

However, it can only be kept for 4 days, the paint will be cracked easily after that…

This photo was taken in the second day.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

TeaWood: Blueberry Vanilla Honey Toast

I saw a TeaWood restaurant (a Taiwanese (Hong Kong) local restaurant) was opened in Lanham Place, which was good. There was not many people queued up outside, so me and my boyfriend popped in and ordered the Blueberry Vanilla Honey Toast.

It looks nice and lovely!

Honestly, I don’t think the toast worth me to spend 45 minutes just for waiting - for each client, you can only stay for 90 minutes, what kind of policy is it?!

The other thing is that, no water is offering in TeaWood which makes me feel disappointed. I don’t mind if they ask me to pay for a glass of water, but they should have served us water if we ask!

For the taste, it is quite good.
When I eat the toast, I dip some ice cream, which is good - outside is soft and inside is crunchy.

After I finished the first layer of the toast, I just realized that there were 3 thick sandwich breads with honey on them, and an ice cream ball with some fruits on the top. That’s all! [it took me 45 minutes for waiting]

Hey girls! If you want to try some new and lovely desert, just go ahead and try! But I am not going to try one more time.