Sunday, March 29, 2015

Shisedo Maquillage True Rouge BE 361

上星期, 有位好朋友送了一支Maquillage True Rouge BE 361給我, thank you so much, my good friend!

試了一星期, 寫寫評論吧!

剛剛看到這支唇膏盒子上的顏色, 有點不太喜歡的感覺, 因為本人一向都喜歡非常colourful 的顏色……

拆開盒子後, 唇膏外殼是黑色的, 上面像鑽石一樣的M字裝飾, 挺可愛啊!
唇膏子印上  Maquillage的字樣.

先試在白紙上, 看到顏色很灰沉, 不是我喜歡的顏色呢……

再試在手上看, 顏色挺自然.

最後試上唇, 效果令我喜出望外.


這隻顏色看上不漂亮, 但容易塗上唇上, 用後亦十分自然, 我很喜歡啊! 如果各位不喜歡太鮮艷的唇膏, BE 361絕對是nude makeup 的好選擇.

它的壞處是保濕很差, 2-3小時後, 唇上的乾紋就表露無遺, 所以使用前人定要先用潤唇膏. 而它的好處是容易落妝~

對於Shisedo, 本人較喜愛Maquillage Glossy Perfect Rouge, 因為它十分保濕, 唇膏上微細的閃粉較多, 令咀唇看上更豐滿.

不過, 本人會推介Maquillage True Rouge BE 361 給喜愛裸妝的朋友們!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

彩豐行蘆薈防敏感潔面啫喱JimmBenny Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel


我臉部的皮膚非常敏感, 當時我見這支潔面啫喱寫上"防敏感"亦只售 HK$35, 就買回來試試, 我以經用了CetaphilMentholatum - AD Mild Skin洗面乳一年多了...  想不到彩豐行蘆薈防敏感潔面啫喱效果十分好, 面上沒有出紅斑和痘痘, 價錢非常便宜!

其實, 我以前試過很多大品牌的潔面用品, 有的價錢甚至$500一支... 但真的沒想到HK$35一支的潔面啫喱亦有十分好的防敏效果

洗過臉後, 皮膚不會太乾, 但洗臉時要用手指花時間輕輕擦洗, 如其他防敏感清潔液一樣要花時間擦洗才乾淨一樣

不過, 我不太喜歡這潔面啫喱的香味, 有點"太過"人造香味的感覺...... 


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Heart Charm

My boyfriend bought me a heart shaped charm, I love it so much! Thanks my darling!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Shiseido Gifts from my good friend

One of my good friends gave me some Shiseido gifts, a lipstick, 2 bottles of nail polish and a bottle of perfume.

Thank you for her so much!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dermacol Filestudio Barrandov Prague Make-Up Cover (#218)

近排看到網上有很多youtubers bloggers推介這支Dermacol Filestudio Barrandov Prague Make-Up Cover (Waterproof SPF 30 Hypoallergenic Preservative Free). 每位都在賣它的神奇遮瑕, 連紋身也能整個覆蓋. 小妹的婚期還有幾個月就到了, 之前背上突然長了很多紅豆豆, 看過醫生後原來是毛囊發炎, OMG!!! 現在還在復原階段, 之後又要影婚紗照, 實在害怕背上的印退不掉, 於是小妹就訂了一支Dermacol Filestudio Barrandov Prague Make-Up Cover (#218) 試試 (HK$183 per one).

這個買家很好, 送了一塊韓國面膜.

先說說它的來源地吧! 其實它並不是韓國的化妝品, 我看了它的盒子才知是捷克的. 真不明白為何要用韓文作宣傳, 有點點被騙的感覺...





看到這隻foundation 有點珍珠的粒子,用後令皮膚看上有光澤, 但遮瑕度真的不太高.




老實說, 這隻foundation 十分厚, 而遮瑕度亦不太高, 要它像廣告一樣遮蓋到暗瘡印, 一定塗一層厚厚的. 如果各位姊妹想要nude makeup, 這個一定不適合用過後位置非常明顯……
再說說, 這支foundation 有很多油, 每次塗在面上後都有點濕濕的感覺, 但容易推開。但過了數小時又變得很乾, 乾紋出來了, 用前一定要用足夠的保濕霜先打底. 另外, 它只能維持到半天, 到下午, 皮膚就會偏暗, 因為珍珠粉的關係吧......

其實, 小妹曾經用過很多品牌的foundation, 通常只有廉價的才會混入大量油入內來混合粉底. 而用過後亦發覺用的位置容易長粒粒, 所以要小心呀!

很多油吧...... 每天都要擦掉......


Here are the instructions of this makeup cover,

P.S. 小妹不建議油性及敏感皮膚使用.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


同男朋友去過婚紗展後, 在灣仔的橫街窄巷到處逛, 最後去了黑龍拉麵吃飯.

因為太夜了, 只有黑龍豚骨拉麵沒有售完, 我們只能選擇這個拉麵了, 我們加了隻糖心蛋 .

喝過湯最重要的湯底後, 我覺得湯底有點太黏, 如果可以水份多一點會更好, 而味道帶點煙肉味, 跟我之前在沖繩吃的拉麵大不相同. 不過, 味道適中, 不會太喊. 相比豚王拉麵的湯底, 本人較喜歡黑龍, 記得我每次吃完豚王拉麵都要喝很多水, 湯底很喊.

如果我到灣仔, 我或許會再吃一次.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Laneige Sample Gift Pack

I am so happy and surprise that a free sample gift pack is posted by Laneign. This is a very good marketing strategy for its customers.

Let’s have a look! This gift pack is including 4 packs of Foam Cleanser Moisture, Pore Minimizing Pack, Perfect Renew Essence_EX and Time Freeze Essence.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bangkok MBK Center – 3rd Day

I went to MBK Center on the third day of my Bangkok trip.

I got 2 free BTS one day passes from my hotel, so I took BTS to from Chit Lom and got off at National Stadium station.

MBK Center is a shopping mall which you can buy the local souvenirs for your friends. 
[I guess it has different atrium as I see it is separated into different parts on the same level, eg. chain stores, department store and local market (the place you can buy the local made souvenirs)]. 

This is a shopping mall with air-con and free toilets [for some places in Bangkok, you need to pay $$$ to enter the toilets]. Inside the mall, it has many chain stores like Dunkin' Donuts, Watsons, Boots, Naraya, etc. On the top level, it has a cinema. Also, it has computer shops, handbag shops (but I won’t recommend my friend to buy the fake handbags ), aroma shops, furniture shops, accessories shops on different floors – this is a very local shopping mall, I saw many students with school uniforms there.

However, the price for the local made souvenir is comparatively higher than Chatuchak Weekend Market about 30 to 50 % (maybe the rental fee is much expensive). But you can try to bargain with the sales, they will give you a good price~

I saw many students bought this food. Looks so yummy!

Dunkin' Donuts!!!

I bought the hand cream from Boots. 

This is the website: 


By the way, these are the souvenirs I bought from Bangkok Platinum Mall and Big C Superstore.