Saturday, May 17, 2014

Holika Holika Wonder Drawing Dot Liner眼缐筆

用咗呢支Holika Holika Wonder Drawing Dot Liner 2 -3個月左右. 我主要係用於我朝早懶果時唔想畫明顯既眼缐, 只係用完mascara 之後用既.

其實我用咗咁耐, 我唔太鐘意佢3個筆尖. 3個筆尖1次畫落眼上, 比用一個筆尖既眼缐筆更易出界, 而個d出界係3個筆尖做成既. 另外, 呢隻眼缐筆既顏色好淺色, 我通常要畫2-3次去上色, and it cant last for1day because my eyes become panda eyes in the afternoon.



Before and after does not have a big different...... 

普通眼缐筆() VS Holika眼缐筆(), the colors are very obvious, you can see the color of Holika eyeliner is very light.

佢好既係易落妝. But I won't really recommend my friend to buy this, because they have many other option which is better than this eyeliner.

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