Friday, May 17, 2013

Shisedo 專科美白化妝水

試了Shisedo 旗下的"專科美白化妝水"個多月. 之前曾看過女人我最大推介這個品牌, 心想一定不錯, 因價錢便宜就買回家試. 

我用了這瓶化妝水一個多用, 本人認為它的功效跟一般的化妝水沒有大分別, 而其的保濕功效最明顯. 皮膚敏感的我, 面上亦冇長豆豆. 

本人通常用於洗澡及潔面後, 在乾巴巴的面上塗上這瓶化妝水, 保濕效果最突出, 面部即時有光澤.

而美白效果不明顯, 這點令我很失望, 我本來是想令皮膚變白, 但用了一個多月面部膚色跟之前一樣. 所以本人建議想要美白皮膚請選用其他化妝水吧!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Decorate (DIY) Bag Holder

I got an old bag holder from a friend, it was an old bag holder which didn’t not have an extensible handle, and it had some dirt on mirror. However, I don’t want to waste it, so I try to decorate it & make it looks more fashionable.

Here are my tools:

plastic beads

1. I use some glue to stick the plastic beads on the edge of the top of the mirror.

2. Place the sequins in the middle of the plastic beads’ circle. Use the tooth picker to press the sequins as to make them more firm with the glue.

It's DONE!!! It looks good : )

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Innisfree 敏感皮膚專用鎮定舒緩面膜 The Minimum Soothing Mask for Sensitive Skin 用後感

剛試用了Innisfree 溫和保水舒緩面膜, 效果不錯! 開出來的質地跟一般FACIAL CREAM 没有大分別, 亦没有香味.

用法: 潔面後, 將面部抺乾, 再將溫和保水舒緩面膜塗上面上. 5-10 分鐘後, 用清水洗淨就可以了~

本人建議塗上面膜後用手輕輕按摩數分鐘來幫助吸收, 一包面膜只有4ml, 分量不足以塗滿整塊面, 本人亦覺得不值得每次用2包面膜, 只要用手按摩就可以.

用後感: 用後面部皮膚滑了, 亦感到面上充滿水分. 而溫和保水舒緩面膜標明給皮膚敏感專用, 皮膚敏感的我用後沒有皮膚敏感出現. 值得推薦!!! 

p.s. 說明書其中一個用法是把本面膜當作sleeping mask, 但本人認為本面膜有一點黏黏的感覺及有點難推開, 不建議用作sleeping mask.